Board Meeting Minutes, 05/17/2016
Type: Board Meeting
Meeting Date: May 17, 2016
Meeting Time: 7:33 pm
Location: Knox Compound
Lions present: We welcomed back Lion Prez Jeff. Also present were Lions Ray, Bill, Al, Amy, Charles, Vijay, and Walt.
1. FINANCIAL REVIEW/UPDATES – Financials are in good shape and on target. Lion Bernie no longer has signature authority. Lion Vijay and Mike R have signed on the account. Next years budget will likely be affected by any revenue shortfall from the 2015 – 2016 year.
2. GOLF UPDATES – Lions Amy and Jenny had a meeting with Gary and new cook at Moffett Field. Both thought the new cook was difficult to deal with. At a price point of $15 the only options available to us are: 1) sandwich bar, 2) taco bar, or 3) pasta. No oven will be available. Beer will be at their cost plus 20%.
The Board agreed with Lion Amy that the taco bar would be best option. Lion Amy will see if Moffett Field will add veggies and/or Spanish rice to the menu. She will also see if we pay $25 each and serve only players what kind of deal can be made.
Vijay will follow up with his contacts at Google to see if they can pressure the golf course to offer us better concessions.
Currently we have 60 golfers. Need 75 or 80 to break even. Also need sponsors and tee sponsors.
Kent is working on getting Leos. Dagi needs help with scoring, h opefully someone with experience.
3. DISTRICT CONVENTION – Lions Al, Ray, Phil and Walt participated in the Saturday AM voting. Convention was held at the Red Lion in Sacramento. Lion Al noted the attendance was significantly less than in years past. General consensus was that the convention was held too far for more people to attend. Board thought it should be held somewhere back in our district.
a. Treasurer: Our new treasurer and the assistance’s signatures now on our accounts. They will focus on club side first, quarterly billings. Lion Vijay pointed out the new treasurer’s address is now listed on the invoice. Make sure to address your mailing accordingly.
b. Secretary: Lion Al has passed the Club by-laws to the new secretary.
5. Summer Tail Twister/Induction Plan – Will be sometime in July.
6. AWARDS – The Board had a discussion as to who should be involved in the nomination process and what criteria should be used. Lion Vijay knows of other clubs who would be willing to share their ideas with us.
We also are looking into other awards such as the Progressive Melvin Jones, Helen Keller, Student Speaker and AJ Robinson.
The Board then approved several Melvin Jones awards for long-term service to our club and will be given to both Lions and non-Lions.
7. CHARITABLE BUDGET – It was decided the $1,500 budged for Wounded Warriors would be put on hold. We would prefer to carry over the funds to next budget year and give to another veteran’s organization that charges a smaller administrative fee.
CAMP VIA: A representative from Camp VIA will be coming to our next PM meeting. The annual maintenance/painting party at Camp Via is scheduled for May 27 & 28th.
Meeting adjourned 9:22 pm.
Lion Walt