AM Meeting Minutes, 7/2/2015
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Bill, Don, Al, Eli, Herb, Kent, John N., and Charlie.
Dates to Remember
– June 13th DeAnza Lion’s Charity Golf Tournament
– July 16th Budget Meeting 7:00 P.M. Lion Al’s home
– July 20th Bingo Lion Jim Gould and Lion Mike Martin.
– July 28th Board Meeting 7:30 P.M. at Lion Al’s home
– August 8th Lion’s Officer Induction & Tail Twister Party at Lion John & Leslie Noones home 5:00 P.M.
– September 12th Silicon Valley Fall Festival/AJ
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb went around the meeting and collected happy dollars from all the Lions. Lion Eli gave a Happy dollar for being at the meeting on time as Lion Herb had an issue this morning finding his way. Lion Don Lang gave a Happy dollar for the support of the Lions to the Odd Fellows pancake breakfast. Lion Bill Reed celebrating his 89th birthday rolled a 3 and paid Lion Al $2.40+ nice roll Lion Bill as you are truly a great Lion.
P.M. Meeting Review – Lion Ray said the P.M. Meeting was a good meeting and that the golf tournament was discussed and this was our most successful golf event ever as we netted over $20,000. Lion Amy has sent out a survey and will lead a meeting to go over the findings. She’ll also be reserving Moffett Field for Saturday, June 18th, 2016 (Done), although negotiations will follow and depending on how the negotiations go the venue may change.
The Budget Meeting for the 2015‐16 Fiscal Year is set for 7:00 P.M. Thursday July 16th at Lion Al Knox’s Home. All Lions are welcome to attend.
The Club Officers Installation and Tail-twister party is set for Saturday, August 8th at 5:00 P.M., at Lion John and Leslie Noone’s home.
The Board approved funding of ($250) for Forward Edge a 501 C3 non profit organization that is being sponsored by Lion Claire Kalil. The individual in charge of the project will give us a synopsis of how the project went when she returns from her mission.
Good of the Order – Lion John Noone commented on the PayPal donation button that he has put on our DeAnza Lion’s web page so that any individual can donate to our club, he also put a list of the charities that we support so
non-members know where the funds are used.
Lion Al mentioned that the club sent a check for $941 to the City of Hope charity.
The club budgeted $600 and there was $341 dollars collected in donations from club members.
There was a discussion about money that was budgeted but not spent for certain charities and what to do with that money. It was brought up that we should put it in our endowment fund. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
It was also mentioned that the next CrabFeed is tentatively set for January 23, 2016.
Opportunity Drawing – Lion Don Lang finally won one. Congratulations.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn for Lion Secretary Walt Strach