AM Meeting Minutes, 02/26/2015

Lions Present: – Steve, Walt, Don, Bill, John S, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, John N, Herb, Ron, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–  March 5th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 West Homestead Rd, Cup.

–  March 11th, 1:30 pm, Flag Day, Sutter School.

–  March 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions Scott Ludlum and Pete Perino

–  March 18th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting.

–  March 28th, Charter Night Dinner, Blue Pheasant Restaurant, 22100 Stevens Creek   Blvd, Cupertino

Tail Twister

–       Many Happy Dollars were given for the return of Lions Dagi, Mort, and Eli. Lion John S donated for the quick sale of his home. We will miss John and wife Carmel when they leave. Both have contributed much time and effort to our club activities over many, many years.

Crab Feed Review

–       There was a post mortem meeting on the crab feed last Tuesday. Lion Jim will go to Fish Market and talk to Dwight about why the cost of food was twice what we paid for last year. Our net, $6,600 translates to only 33% profit from gross revenue. Lion Eli suggested we consider having a Corn Beef and Cabbage dinner instead next year.

Fundraiser Opportunity

–       Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in teaming up with District 4C6 to provide couriers for the General Election coming up on Tuesday June 2nd.

–       Couriers are needed to bring ballots from the election booths to election headquarters in San Jose.

–       County will pay $100 for each team (driver and navigator) plus mileage.

–       400 evening teams and 100 daytime teams needed.

–       Additional payment of $10 per person will be provided to attend the one-hour training.

–       Let Lion Walt know if you are interested. He will need to contact Lion Jeanine Healy by March 15th and let her know how many people we will be sending.

Golf Tournament

–       Lion Steve has been sending out donation requests.

–       He has already received 4 certificates from Hooters.

–       Entry forms for the tournament available from Lion Steve.

Charter Night

–       46th Anniversary of our lodge will be on March 28th at Blue Pheasant.

–       Lion Al will send out flier.

–       Make sure to email Lion Steve and let him know if you are coming and what you would like to eat.

Good of the Order

–       Our club has received a generous donation from Maureen Kennedy in honor of Eli and Mort’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. We will send them a Thank You Note.

–       Our Student Speaker Club contest winner, Grace Zhou will be honored at the next PM meeting on March 4th.  Please come and show her what Cupertino DeAnza Lionism is all about. She will be representing us at the Zone Speaker Contest on March 9th, 7 pm, Los Gatos Lodge.

–       Project Linus is coming up next Thursday, March 5th, at the Odd Fellows Hall. Please come, and bring a pair of SHARP scissors if you have them.

–       A Flag Day event has been scheduled for March 11th, 1:30 pm at Sutter School. Please let Lion Mort know if you are interested in helping.

–       Congratulations to Lion Dagi on winning the Opportunity Drawing.

Lion Walt
