Regular PM Meeting Minutes, 4/7/2010

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De Anza Lions Club Minutes/PM Meeting /April 7, 2010

Lion Attendees:  John, Leslye, Howie, Scott, Jeff, Lindsey, Shelby, Ray, Provin, Charlie, Ray, Kent, Carl, Mort, Eli, Vijay, Steve, Al, Ray, Charles, Yvonne, Dan, Jill. Jennifer, Mike.

Honored Guests: Sydnie, Sophia, Gerry, Barb, and Baby Eli

Leos Club is here with Andrew the Advisor!

Meeting begins at 6:47.  The pledge is led by Sydnie Ludlum tonight.

Tailtwister: Lots of Happy Dollars and fines commenced for birthdays, anniversaries, new club involved, and just happy for being “here” (very Zen!), cars, and performances.

Happy Birthday to Al TODAY!

Kent:  Leo Club of Monta Vista is here, created, established, and etc.  Kent gave us a nice introduction and overview of the club.  Yesterday the club elected the officers:  Andrev the Treasurer, Druvha, Tiffany the President, Christine, Iris the VP of Activities, Bonnie, Rachel, Peter the VP of Membership, Shebom, Andrew Goldenkrantz a teacher and advisor of the group.   There is a Leo Club Advisory within our group including Kent, Shelby, Cliff, and others.  Leos will meet every Tuesday at 12:45.

Board Meeting Minutes: shared by Jeff-District Convention coming up end of April-early May.  We have 4 delegates going to vote.  More people are welcome to go as well.  Spent a small amount fixing our soapbox racer anddonated 250.00 to both AIDS and Leukemia fundraisers, and 400.00 to Youth Leadership.

Project Linus:  Leslye is heading up this new project.  Starting tomorrow, Thursday, the 8th, there will be about 24 people learning how to make the blankets (examples were presented).  There will be a presentation by a woman, Sharon, to explain where these blankets  are intended to go and how to make them as well.  Meet at Leslye’s  7628 West Hill Lane, Cupertino, at 7:30-9:00.  Come and be a Blankateer!

New Club Website:  Carl is working on the golf site right now.  Leo Peter is working on a site that we will link it up with theirs and vice-versa.   The site is still in progress and is  You must use this address if you have explorer:

Two other members helping Carl with the website-and envisioning the minutes being posted on the website rather than being sent out by the list.

Jeff and Twitter: In the recent addition of the Lions magazine is the article How Tweet It Is.  We are constantly moving into the technologically fabulous world.

Lions Golf Tourney Update:  budget has been established and we need everyone’s help to get tee sponsors, contacts, and major sponsors.  If you have an email and a name, the golf committee will make the contact for you.  Anyone who is a potential golfer send to Lion Ray L., tee sponser (small business, family who wants to donate) send to Lion Mort, and get the name, phone number, and email with the contact, if possible,  any larger sponsors send to Lion Kent.

Community Outreach Program:  eye exams and glasses, started and managed by Kathy and Kerry, reaching out to students at Miller, schools in Campbell.  There was a meeting Tuesday, the 6th, and some guidelines are coming along.  The program can’t go too fast because only about one a week can be managed.

Eyeglass Donation Box:  the box for collecting glasses, cell phones, ink cartridges, and hearing aids has been revamped and is looking very “eye-catching” J.

Rebuilding Together Event:  Saturday, the 24th of April, is a neighbor to neighbor program.  It is a building program, helping people who are elderly or disabled and need help with their house projects and repair work that they are unable to do themselves.  We were not able to fulfill their needs earlier,  when Jeff sent out the initial email, but they do still have a need for volunteers, but you must sign up on-line;  anyone 14 or older can volunteer.  Jeff will send out an email tonight for interest and the link for sign ups.  It starts at about 8:00-12:00, a lunch break, then from 1:00-5:00.

Veteran’s Hospital at Menlo Park:  Yvonne organized, Dan ran it, and helped to get the veteran’s moved from the old site to the new site.  This is a long-term care for Veteran’s with various disabilities, both mentally and physically.  We had Eli, Ray G., Bill, Dan, Ron, Herb, and Ray L. there volunteering from our club.

Red Cross: Druvha is giving a call to action on May 22nd, for a Red Cross blood drive.  More details will come as to where and when from Provin and Druvha.

Good of the Pride:  pull tabs update-Lion Phil-Mar. 2009-to Feb. 2010 a total of 110 lbs.  which we collect  and recycle.  Various facts, or fictions, about the pull tabs were discussed;  however, the important part is the Ronald McDonald House in Sacramento benefits from our diligent collecting of the pull tabs.

Hughes Elementary Student BBQ: looking at June 7th, needing a few volunteers to present Flag Day information, and then the BBQ to follow.  There are 90 second graders, four teachers, and about 12 parents.  Jennifer and Eli will be contacts for the event.  Everyone at Hughes says thank you for advance.  Hughes is also wondering if the Lions would be willing to get healthy snacks for STAR Testing for their students for the 2 weeks of STAR testing.  The testing is the April 26th-30th and the week of May 3rd.   Cliff is interested in being a part of the Flag Day presentation.   Provin and the Fimbys, and Gerri Gamma, with a coordinated effort have covered the expenses.  Thank you to three great Lions!


1.  Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 13

2.  Bingo, April 19, Scott and Pete

3. Project Linus, Thursday, April 8th at the Noone’s at 7:30

4. 4C6 Convention-Wednesday April 28-to Sunday, May 2 at the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento.

Picture with Leos and then adjourned @8:00.

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  1. Ross says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

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  3. Rodney says:


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  4. Joel says:


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  6. Nathan says:


    good info….

  7. neil says:


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  12. ramon says:


    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

  13. Willie says:


    thank you!…

  14. Derek says:


    thanks for information!…

  15. clarence says:


    thank you….

  16. Joe says:



  17. willard says:



  18. Bobby says:



  19. Ian says:



  20. joseph says:


    tnx for info!!…

  21. Don says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

  22. Terrence says:


    thanks for information!…

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  27. gregory says:



  28. ricky says:


    thanks for information!…

  29. nick says:



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  31. Mitchell says:



  32. Ricardo says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  33. Kyle says:


    tnx for info!…

  34. stanley says:



  35. leo says:



  36. lance says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  37. Joe says:



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