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Work Days at Via West – May 15 & 16, 2020

As usual Lion Bill (soon to be 94 years old) led the way to our work party on Friday and Saturday, May 15 and 16 at the “Via West Campus”. On Friday, he arrived early in his big truck, accompanied by his son Patrick and lugging 2 lawn movers, starting work even before anybody else showed up. By 9:00AM a handful of other DeAnza Lions arrived and received instructions from Rick, the leader at the Camp. Lions Joan and Dagi focused on pulling weeds around Building 11 and the 4 huge flower boxes in front of the house. Lion Bill and his son, Lions Al, Ray and Ron went through a lot of meadows, cutting grass, trying to avoid huge rocks hidden underneath.
On Saturday Lion Prez Jeff joined the grass cutting team in the hills, also clearing a fallen tree from the road to the upper areas, while Lions Joan and Dagi continued clearing the weeds around another abode, also planting some lilies and succulent plants Lion Joan had brought from her own garden.
The team finished the day by moving chemical barrels into the hazmat storage area.
Lion Prez Jeff summed it up: “A few Lions, a few hours, a couple days, good work once again”.