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Supplies for the Farm Workers in Watsonville

On Oct 29th, the DeAnza Lions once again organized a delivery of goods to the Farm Workers in Watsonville. 3 SUVs and a big family car were loaded to the top with collections of blankets, clothes, stationery, and other gently used items. Lion Kent extracted a very nice bicycle from his car, while Lion Steve and Ellen brought in a 55in TV set with wall mount. Numerous bags and boxes were emptied from Les’ car. The recipients were beaming with gratitude. A young man explained that they will get more donations over the next weeks. And on Friday of the second week in the month, they will display their donated goods on tables in their courtyard and fellow farm workers will     come by and select what they need or could use. Their biggest need, however, is food, like rice, beans, and cooking oil, as well as warm clothes for winter.

Let’s hope we can get great food donations during our food drive on the weekend before Thanksgiving!