
Student Speaker Contest – Zone Level Event

Lion Ray, Zone Director and Host of the Zone level Student Speaker Contest is sending a big thank you to Lions Al & Barb, Don, John, Ron and Herb as well as friends of DeAnza Lions that made the Zone Contest possible.
Special thanks go to Lion Don Lang for letting us use the Odd Fellows Lodge for the contest.
All three speakers were impressive. This year’s winner, Amita Mahajan from Monta Vista High School, was a very creative, eloquent and forceful speaker and was awarded $150. She will go on to the Region Contest, which will take place on March 19th, 2018, at the Sunnyvale School Board Office, 819 W Iowa Ave. Sunnyvale. Time to be announced.
The winner of the MD 4 contest will win a total of $21,500.
This is another great community effort by the Lions that was started in the late 1930’s.
I urge you to attend the next contest and be proud of our youth and future.
Great to be a Lion.
Lion Ray