
Look who’s got new eyeglasses…

On January 15th, 2010, DeAnza Lions Kathy and Kerry took 2 middle school age students to LensCrafters® at the Westgate Shopping Center (San Jose) for an eye examination and prescription of eyeglasses, sponsored by DeAnza Lions Club. When the lion ladies arrived at the school to pick up the kids, they were warmly greeted by the office staff, thanking them for helping these children. The sensitive and professional optometrist at LensCrafters® also expressed her gratitude to the lions and the DeAnza Lions club for reaching out and getting involved.

Both the kids that Lions Kathy and Kerry met were extremely polite, excited and grateful for the help our club provided. The girl did not stop smiling the entire time. Her brother received his glasses immediately, while the girl had to wait a few more days. Lions Kathy and Kerry again took the time to take her back to LensCrafters®.
Needless to say that both lions received a huge hug from the kids.

Lions Kerry and Kathy, together with the DeAnza Lions Club thank LensCrafters® for their professional and sensitive help

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