Charity Crab Feed – Great Success!
On Feb 1, 2025, the 29th Classic Annual Charity Crab Feed and Auction took was staged once again at the Community Center of Saint Lawrence the Martyr in Santa Clara.
As in previous years, we had two seatings of an ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT feast, which…

Thanksgiving Food Drive 2024 – Preliminary Report
Fellow Lions, family members and volunteers
Time again to say THANKS to all the folks participating in our annual Thanksgiving food drive which took place over the weekend of Nov 23 - 25, 2024.
Two boxes of food per family for 177…

Vision Clinic in Sunnyvale – Benefit for Hundreds of People
Lions District 4-C6 held their 4th Vision Clinic on Sunday, June 9th at Community Services in Sunnyvale, Northern California.
A total of 361 patients attended, most of whom received eye examinations and re-cycled glasses.
Patients attended…

Golf Tournament 2024 – Happy golfers
Golf Tournament by RLancon
We held the 28th annual Cupertino DeAnza Lions Golf Tournament at Los Lagos Golf Course on Friday, June 14th.
While we had only 32 golfers, everyone I spoke to had a great time. We had a putting contest, sold…

Thanksgiving Food Drive – Reasons To Give THANKS
After the usual meticulous preparations, including pickup of tables, chairs, A-frames and boxing materials plus their colorful labels, the 2023 Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive was kicked off on Saturday Nov 18th, with several lions and friends…

A.J Robinson Deployment – One Good Deed After Another
The A.J. Robinson Foundation (501c3) was started in 1985 within Lions District 4-C6, to provide free mobile medical screening to underserved communities. The Lions A.J. Robinson Foundation Mobile Health Screening Unit (MSU) is a mobile trailer…

Camp Via West – Heart of Camp event Sept 30, 2023
Saturday, September 30, 2023, saw the annual Heart of Camp event (formerly Via Ball) at the newly remodeled Ball Court at the Camp in the Cupertino Mountains.
Among others, the DeAnza Lions Club received a prestigious award, for longtime financial…

Omar’s Dream Run – Record Participation
As in the past 10 years, De Anza Club members assisted at the registration desk at the 10th Annual Charity Dream Run.
The event was held on Sunday, October 15, at Hellyer Park in San Jose.
Lions Al, Barb, Eli, Jeff and Ray got tables and…

Vision Clinic # 2 – Another Huge Success
A Vision Clinic was held on 10/14 at the Mexican Consulate in San Jose.
Approximately 300 patients were seen by 6 volunteer optometrists.
All who needed eyeglasses received them from the dispensary on the day, or the remaining 64 patients…

Cupertino De Anza Lions Club Vision Clinic – A Success Story
On Sunday, April 23rd, 2023, at 8:00 AM 10 volunteer doctors and 70 non-medical volunteers (mostly Lions) gathered to run a free Vision Clinic at St John Vianney Community Center. Nine hours later 349 patients had benefited from a detailed eye exam and most of them had received recycled eyeglasses from the Lions inventory of glasses collected from schools, libraries, hospitals and banks.

Linus Projects Spring 2023 – Three Teams at Work
Dear Fellow Lions -
Throughout March 2023, the De Anza Lions, led by Lion Leslye, organized and conducted 3 different Blanketeering events, resulting in the completion of 86 fuzzy blankets for children in need.
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Support…

Earth Day 2023 – A Fun Day In Cupertino
April 22, 2023 - Earth Day all over the world, and in Cupertino, CA!
The Cupertino De Anza Lions Club was represented by a number of fellow lions and helpers, show-casing a beautiful display of sunflowers, free seed packages and hands-on…

Student Speaker Contest – Feb 16th, 2023: Cancelled
It is with great disappointment that we have to report that this event had to be cancelled after all registered candidates cancelled last minute.
The topic would have been quite interesting, and the club had set up everything for the evening,…

Our Annual Charity Crabfeed 2023 – Feb 4, 2023! Success!
Dear Friends of the Cupertino De Anza Lions Club -
We are happy to report that we had a very successful Crab Feed on Feb 4th, 2023 - downscaled in terms of number of guests, but with the best all-you-can-eat crab in town, fine wine and lovely…

Food Drive 2022 – Another Great Success!
Thank you all for your support of another successful Thanksgiving Food Drive! We just completed our seventh drop-off, to the farm workers in Watsonville, which wraps up the drive for another year! In addition to the 170 families to whom…

Supplies for the Farm Workers in Watsonville
On Oct 29th, the DeAnza Lions once again organized a delivery of goods to the Farm Workers in Watsonville. 3 SUVs and a big family car were loaded to the top with collections of blankets, clothes, stationery, and other gently used items.…

Delicious New Fundraiser – Oct 13, 2022
Fellow Lions,
We held a new fundraising event on Thursday, October 13th, 2022, at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse on 511 Coleman Ave. San Jose, CA95110 (408) 343-7230.
This event was open to all, and more than a dozen lions and family members…

10 Years Omar’s Dream Run – Oct 16th, 2022
Omar's 10th Dream Run took place on Oct 16th, 2022, at Hellyer Park in San Jose! Congratulations to 10 years of helping "...hospitalized and medically-supervised children to remotely attend school allowing them to stay connected to their teachers…