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Our 10th Linus Blanketeering Evening – Oct 17th, 2019

On October 17th, our second LINUS blanketeering night this year took off at our usual location, the Odd Fellow Hall in Cupertino. Lions Leslye and Joan, as well as Lions Jenni and Carl had been shopping for approx. 50 pieces of fleece which were waiting on two tables to be turned into cuddly blankets for little human beings. About a dozen adults, lions and friends, a LEO from Monta Vista, and almost a dozen of kids, including brownies, were busy cutting and knotting fringes. After ringing the bell, the kids took the ready blankets to Sharon (our rep from the LINUS organization) and she as well as one of her friends did final quality control before attaching labels. Lion Leslye had provided refreshments which were gratefully accepted by young and old. Apart from a few blankets which still needed knots to be tied, about 45 blankets were completed within 2 hours. Thanks to all participants and to Lion Don for once again letting us use the big practical hall.