Entries by lionsatdeanzaclub

2013 Food Drive Helps 160 Families At Thanksgiving

As every year for the past several years, the DeAnza Lions Club committed to help local low-income families to have a festive Thanksgiving dinner, by organizing a food drive over the last weekend before the holidays and providing each family with 2 boxes of traditional Thanksgiving dinner ingredients. Last weekend, many DeAnza Lions and their […]

2013 Halloween Bash A Roaring Success

The Cupertino DeAnza Lions had their Second Halloween Party Fundraiser (bash) on Saturday, October 19th, 2013. The event took place at the Santa Clara Valley Blind Center. About 70 adults and 50 kids had a great time with games, prizes, music and dancing. Food and drinks were of course served as well. We brought in a profit […]

“Habitat” For Little Ones

Habitat for Humanity is known for building simple, decent, and affordable houses for low-income families around the world. Lesser known is the fact that they are also building playhouses for good causes. On February 9th, 2013, 8 Lions and family members came together at the Habitat for Humanity warehouse in Milpitas (the place we used […]

Successful Food Drive Will Put Thanksgiving Dinner on for 150 Families

The DeAnza Lions had another successful food drive in spite of having to change the collections to two new grocery stores. After initial concerns we not only achieved our goal of directly providing food to 120 needy families, but we could include 30 additional families from our wait list. Many of our other donations go […]

Supporting Project Linus – With 60 Hand-Made Blankets

On November 8th, 2012, 35 blanketeers, amongst them Lions, spouses and friends of Lions, as well as 16 LEOs from Monta Vista and Lynbrook High schools gathered at the Odd Fellow Hall in Cupertino for a Linus Project Blanketeering evening. In less than 2 hours, almost 60 blankets were completed. They will be delivered to […]

Monta Vista LEOs Receive “Lions Young Leaders in Service Awards”

Two students, members of the Monta Vista High School LEO Club, received the prestigious Lions Young Leaders in Service Award, presented by the Cupertino De Anza Lions Club and Lions Clubs International during a ceremony held at their school on November 16th, 2012. Designed to encourage youth to serve in their community, the awards are […]

Halloween Sock Hop nets over $ 1,000 for OneSight

The first annual fundraiser “Sock Hop” was introduced by Lions Dan & Yvonne Fimby on Oct 13th, 2012. Disguised as an early Halloween Party, the event took place at the Santa Clara Valley Blind Center, featuring a “Best Costume” contest, raffle, a fortune teller, trick-and-treat bags for kids as well as dance music “50’s style” […]

Lion Walt in Diabetes Walk Oct. 14th, 2012

On Sunday, Oct 14th, Lion Walt gathered a few of his friends from another club and participated in the Diabetes Walk in downtown San Jose, along the lovely Guadalupe River trail. “STEP OUT, and WALK to STOP DIABETES” is a recurring event organized in many cities by ADA, the American Diabetes Society, to raise money […]

Planting Trees – One Tree at a Time

On May 15th, Lions Bill Reed and Ray Lancon planted 5 pine trees at Via West Campus (formerly Camp Costanonan) near the protected garden area where the DeAnza Lions built a vegetable garden a few years ago. The pine trees are seedlings about 16″ long with 8″ root and 8″ tiny trunk so they are […]