Entries by lionsatdeanzaclub

Purchase Tickets for the Crab Feed

To purchase more than one ticket, press “continue shopping” when you are in your PayPal shopping cart and repeat the process. Second Seating tickets Adults $45.00 USDKids $25.00 USD Name of group (if applicable) Click here for purchased of pre-reserved first seating tickets.

Pay for first seating tickets here.

Due to the high demand of first seating tickets, we do not offer online purchase for the first seating.  however you can pay for first pre reserved first seating tickets using the paypal button below. Pay for First Seating Tickets Adults $45.00 USDKids $25.00 USD Name of group

Golf Tournament 2014

Great fun, got to the beer tent 4 times. It probably effected my game, but the course was great, weather perfect, and it’s really fun to play with the other Lion golfers. See you again in 2015!

Flag Days 2014

As in previous years, the DeAnza Flag Team under the leadership of Lion Mort had several very successful presentations during spring time at 3 local schools. The first event was held in February at Sutter Elementary (Santa Clara) where 90 3rd graders were present. The second show was put on in March at Trace Elementary […]

Camp Via West – Annual Spruce Up

Over the last weekend in May, DeAnza Lions Bill, Ron, Charlie, Herb, Steve, Walt and Ray power washed and painted the BBQ Pit area, fire circle benches and tables, and amphitheater benches at the camp. They also repaired the roof over the BBQ pit. After painting was finished on Monday June 2, Lion Bill presented […]

Habitat for Humanity – New ReStore Opening

A big Thank You is due to all the De Anza Lions along with more than a dozen De Anza College LEOs who volunteered with the Grand Opening of the new Habitat for Humanity ReStore on May 31st. The club also donated $1,000. in the continuing efforts to support Habitat for Humanity. The new 15,000 […]

LEOs receive Young Leaders Service Awards

Seven Monta Vista High School students are this year’s recipients of the prestigious Lions Clubs International Young Leaders in Service Award. The award honors students who contribute 50 or more hours of community service in a given year. Caroline Chen, Katie Chen, Sharon Tung, Jennifer Chen, Rachael Tham and William Chang received Silver Seal Awards […]

Did you feel the fuzz?

You would have if you had been with the De Anza Lions the evening of March 27th. More than twenty-five Lions, Leos, friends and family members met that night at Cupertino’s Odd Fellows Lodge for our Club’s 4th Blanketeering Party. That warm and fuzzy feeling permeated the room as we were coached on how to convert a […]


Shalmali Patil, a freshman at Cupertino High School, was awarded first place in the DeAnza Lion’s Club 2014 Student Speaker Contest held on February 11th, 2014. It was the 77th Lions Student speaker contest. Ms. Patil was one of 4 high school students from the Fremont Union High School district who took part in the […]